Wrapify Requirements (App)


* Be at least 21 years old

* Have a clean driving record

* Pass a background check

* Have a car that is 2010 or newer

* Have a car with no significant body or paint damage

Based on my experience, this one is a mixed recommendation because I observed both pros and cons while working with this company.  The pros were that most communications went well during the one advertising campaign that I completed with Wrapify.  There were occasional technical issues, like the app not tracking my mileage, but the company was generally responsive about correcting them.  I was also paid regularly throughout the campaign.  So, in those ways, it was a good experience.  The cons came after the advertising campaign had ended, when the ad wrap was removed.  Here is the letter that I sent to the advertised client and to the Better Business Bureau.

Letter Sent to Advertized Client and BBB

"I was excited when I learned of an opportunity to participate in an advertising campaign for them by having my car (more precisely, my wife's car) wrapped in xxxxxx ads.  So, after explaining that Wrapify was not interested in wrapping my F-150 and instead only wanted to wrap her Honda Accord and begging her to let me use her car, I miraculously persuaded my wife into participating.  Other than occasional problems with Wrapify's app, the campaign went well and we participated in many of the "Swarm Events" (when Wrapify would message participants to ask them to drive their vehicles within a perimeter during specified periods of time).  Added perks included the occasional delighted xxxxxx fan who would smile, wave, and offer a 'thumbs up' while driving on the freeway and the excited kids at out nephew's Little League games when they noticed our car in the parking lot after their games and asked to take their pictures next to it.  Unfortunately, though, we did experience a significant issue at the conclusion of our campaign.


On 10/13/2021, when we arrived at the removal appointment to pick up our vehicle, we saw that there was new and significant damage to the finish; specifically, to the clear coat which had been pulled off by the wrap during the removal process.  We immediately brought this issue to the attention of the decal shop staff who then admitted, 'yea, a lot of people's cars got damaged.'  I then took pictures of the damage, contacted Wrapify, and described the problem. When they responded, they instructed me to complete a Damage Claim Form.  After completing that form, I contacted them again when I had not received a response after three weeks.  After many attempts to follow up on the damage claim and responses stated they were very busy or that the person who could address the issue was on vacation, I eventually received a rejection email more than two months later.  Wrapify Claims stated that they were not responsible for any of the damage that their wrap had caused because they asserted that there were preexisting scratches on the vehicle.


While the vehicle is 7+ years old, any imperfections it may have had prior to the instillation and removal of Wrapify's xxxxxx advertising wrap was minimal.  I feel that our ask -for our vehicle to be restored to the SAME condition it was in prior to the application and removal of the xxxxxx advertising material- is reasonable and we have asked the company to reconsider.  But Wrapify continues to ignore our request."


If you've read this far, you'd probably like to know how it worked out... Well, the experience did have a happy ending as Wrapify eventually agreed to repair the damage.

my current Wrapify earnings: $360.28

Nickelytics Requirements (App)


* You must be 18 years of age or older

* Have a clean driving record

* Your vehicle should be no more than 10 years old

* You should drive a minimum of 30 miles/day, 150 miles/week, and 450 miles/month

Rideshare and delivery drivers are preferred, however daily drivers are welcome so long as they meet the requirements.


I have installed the Nickelytics App, but I have not received an ad campaign offer and have no experience working with Nickelytics.

Carvertise Requirements (App)


* You drive at least 30 miles a day

* Clean driving record

* 2008 model year car or newer

* Factory paint job


I have installed the Carvertise App, but I have not received an ad campaign offer and have no experience working with Carvertise.

Firefly Requirements (App)


* Firefly partners with full-time (40+ hours per week) drivers that participate in approved driving programs (rideshare, delivery, taxi, etc.).


I have not installed Firefly's app and I have no experience working with Firefly.

Stickr Requirements (web)


* n/a


While this company seems to technically be legit, I'm not really a fan.  You should not have to pay money to make money, yet Stickr requires a $19 payment to receive your ad. They also charge a $9.99 monthly fee (first month's fee is reimbursed).  Unlike other vehicle wrap companies that have professionals wrap portions of your vehicle with ads, with Stickr, you will place the ads on your vehicle's rear window.  Also unlike other vehicle wrap companies that pay cash, Stickr drivers are paid via Restaurant.com Gift Certificates.  These are the same certificates that are available for purchase directly from Restaurant.com, at steeply discounted prices.   There is no Stickr App.


I have received ad campaign offers, but I have no experience working with Stickr.